Men's Ministry at BBC

Go in depth with the Word. Share your experiences with other Men and begin your journey to spiritual maturity. Become Men of Integrity, lead by example within your families.

Men’s fellowship groups at BBC offer a support system where members can hold each other accountable for their actions, decisions, and commitments. This accountability can help our men stay on the right path and make positive choices in their lives and impact their families

Men's Fellowship

Our Men’s Ministry is a fellowship where older and more experienced members can serve as mentors and role models for younger or less experienced men. This mentorship helps in personal growth and provides guidance in various aspects of life. Bible Baptist Church Men’s meetings schedule:

Men’s Fellowship: 2nd Saturday 9:00 am to 10:00 am 

Importance of Men's Fellowship

Men’s fellowship in the church is essential for fostering spiritual growth, building supportive relationships, and equipping men to live out their faith in both their personal lives and the broader community. It provides a space where men can be accountable, grow as leaders, and serve others in the name of Christ.